Bliss is an oft overlooked emotion. When do we hear anyone refer to his or her state as "blissful"? We have "wedded bliss", the idiomatic "getting blissed out," there are cities named "Bliss," people named "Bliss," and plenty of companies trying to capitalize on the idea of "bliss" (although, can we really attain bliss at 50% off?). There are films, cartoons, bands and artists named or alluding to this elusive feeling. I have felt bliss in the not so distant past. It is such a distinct feeling, yet it is characterized by a state of near emptiness or openness. Being carefree and full of so much euphoria there is no room for any negativity is bliss. It is much more than happiness, yet it seems that being happy is an integral part of bliss. However, happiness has less to do with bliss than I previously thought.
Dictionaries contain several definitions for bliss, most commonly, "a state of supreme happiness or contentment" or "the ecstatic joy of heaven." (The latter makes me think of the great disappointment that was May 21, or Jesus' failed "rapture." I, and many more, expected so much more!). Yoga teachers love the word. I'm not sure if yogis love the word. I'm not sure if I'm a yogi. However, I do love yoga, and I often do feel bliss after a good yoga session, or while attempting to follow a more yogic lifestyle. I can enter a yoga session with a mind full of aggression, a body distracted by some discomfort, and the patience of a toddler in a waiting room; upon rolling out of a few minutes in sivasana, I am truly blissful in mind, body and spirit.
I've been trying to pay attention to personal instances of bliss for a little while now, and I have a short mental list of times I've noted is most commonly recognized after the fact. I feel bliss when my hands are in the dirt, and I can witness plants grow. I feel it when I hear my nieces laugh in unison, when I can read in the open air and when I dream of vacations unvacationed. I feel it when Evan kisses me on the cheek in the morning and when I get to cook with my mother (and I definitely feel it when I eat my mom's desserts!).
So, you three faithful readers of my blog, what blisses you out? what brings you to this magical state of mind? I hope you are well, and enjoying these long days approaching the summer solstice.
Be blissful.
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